Investing in the frontier of fungi focused start-ups

Do you want to invest in fungi based start-ups?

The Fungi Investment Collective offers you the opportunity to invest in start-ups leveraging fungi for environmental solutions through syndicated investments. You get access to deal flow and we coordinate the practicalities regarding the syndicated investment.

Fungi and the third kingdom offer incredible possibilities and a broad variety of environmental solutions across sectors and applications.
Though we already have seen solutions ranging from materials and packaging to remediation of soil and water, we are only scratching the surface. Hence Scientific American`s reference to the “mycelium revolution”, we can expect a significant wave of new environmental solutions from the fungal domain onwards.

This is part of the wider biotechnology boom, where we utilize biology for the solutions we need.
McKinsey states that up to 60% of the input for the global economy can be done with biology.

In The Fungi Investment Collective, we come together to invest in start-ups leveraging fungi for environmental solutions across sectors.
By joining, you will be able to access deal flow worldwide, and join as we syndicate investments in start-ups.

Interested to join? Get in touch.


The mycelium revolution is upon us

— Scientific American

The syndicate is lead by the initiator Susanne Gløersen.
She focuses on fungal based innovations and investments, and is also the initiator of The Future is Fungi Award, a global award that honors frontier and cutting-edge research and start-up innovations that leverage fungi to solve some of humanity`s largest environmental challenges.

Susanne brings deal flow from her global network across the fungi start-up ecosystem. Prior to entering the fungal domain, she has 12 years of experience across sustainability in finance, most lately in SEBs Green Tech VC.

Initiator and syndicate lead

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